Our Caring Hearts





We are a local nonprofit providing comfort baskets to support women going through various types of cancer treatment and recovery.


Our Mission

Our Caring Hearts provides strength, comfort and hope to local women going through cancer treatment by making custom comfort baskets.

Each one of our founding members have all had their lives touched by cancer. Either through a family member, close friend or are a survivor themselves.

As a non-profit organization, all donations are used to create a custom comfort basket that is distributed by referral to women who are going through cancer treatment or recovery throughout our area.


Our Impact



supporting the cause

In a few short years, we have gone from 8 women to over 250 supporters and growing!



comfort Baskets Delivered

That is one or more every month! Each basket is custom made for the individual receiving it.



years serving our community

We look forward to many more years of spreading comfort, hope and support to our fighters and survivors.


Our Fundraiser

Each year on the last Sunday in February, Our Caring Hearts holds our annual fundraising event!

We host over 250 guests who enjoy a lunch, basket auction, 50/50 raffle, purse 50/50 raffle and door prizes.

We would love for you to join us!




February 2017

"When I received my basket last year it brought tears to my eyes. I will never forget how beautiful it was. As of last week my scans are clear and I am cancer free!"

Donna / Basket Recipient



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